Krista Avery moved to the sleepy town of Mt. Eve, Virginia, away from big city life, enticed there by a research doctor that is fascinated with her blood. Trying to build a life for herself after a horrific event in her past sent her into a spiral, she is a woman battling a rare blood disorder and the memories she has never dealt with. Returning home from the hospital after the Doctors experimental treatment, a dizzy spell forces her to pull over to the side of the road.
Lawson “Kade” McKaden is a State Trooper, ready to retire, returning home after a transport to a Federal Prison that wasn’t supposed to be his. After a stint in the Air Force and a satisfying career, he is ready to leave the uniforms behind for the life of a rancher. But a broken down car on the side of the road calls to his sense of responsibility and the sick woman inside calls to his heart. They have more in common than they know.
An escaped rapist turned serial killer is hunting her. She was his first and he has plans to be her last. Together can they beat back the demons from her childhood? Will Krista have to face the demon from her past alone, or is she Kade’s for… His Safe Keeping?
I honestly wasn't as a big of fan as I hoped I would be of this. I think it was primarily because it took me about three quarters of the way into the book to really grasp both Krista and Kade's personalities.
Trust me, I'm all about the "HE MAN IN CHARGE" type of guys, and I really did like that kind of guy in romance books. They always try and do the best for their women and are just so yummy you can't help but love them.
Kade, well, I couldn't really get that with him. He made me more mad with how he handled Krista in the first place and I had a hard time letting it go. Once they really got comfortable together and I could see they really were perfect for one another, it helped quite a bit.
Overall, it was a cute story. Not one of my favorites, but still glad I gave it a shot.